Transportation Conveyor

Transportation Conveyor Overview

Transportation conveyors play a vital role in the automation process of warehouses and distribution centers. The main function of transportation conveyor systems is to transport or move products or goods from one location to another efficiently and safely, maximizing productivity and eliminating problem areas.

Typically belt or live roller, transportation conveyor utilizes no accumulation features, making it the most cost-effective way to move product throughout the warehouse.

Types of Conveyor Transport Systems

Belt Transportation Conveyor

Simple and modular design, product rides on a belt above rollers (belt on roller) for flat bed (slider bed). Designed to carry product over long distances, on incline and decline situations, or when reliable control is needed. This conveyor transport system is a good solution for low budget or cost cutting opportunities where accumulation is not necessary.

Roller Transportation Conveyor

This versatile system utilizes 24v, a narrow belt, or a non-powered conveyor. The accumulation sensors are removed, allowing the conveyor transport system to be in an "always on" state, and product to move from point to point without stoppage or accumulation.

Benefits & Features

  • Increased Productivity
    Conveyor transport systems automate material handling tasks, reducing the need for manual labor and significantly increasing productivity
  • Speed and Efficiency
    Goods are quickly and consistently transported from one place to another, significantly increasing both the speed and efficiency process.
  • Space Considerations
    Transportation conveyor systems are very flexible and can easily take advantage of unused space, at times ceiling hung or in other spaces normally considered unusable.
  • Safety and Labor Savings
    Automating the movement of product reduces the need for manual labor to move items, which minimizes the risk of employee injury while, at the same time, saving on labor costs.
  • Elimination of Bottleneck or Traffic Jam Problems
    Reduction or elimination of traffic jams or bottlenecks and other problematic areas increases efficiency.
  • Integration
    Transportation conveyor systems are often a large part of the automation planning process and are a crucial part of any warehouse or distribution center's integration into a custom automation system.
  • Cost Savings
    Reducing manual labor and efficiently moving products saves on overall business costs.
Transportation Conveyor System

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the primary purpose of a transportation conveyor?

    The primary purpose of a transportation conveyor is to efficiently move products or materials from one point to another, reducing the need for manual handling and streamlining logistics and production processes.
  • How are transportation conveyors powered?

    Transportation conveyors are powered by electric motors that typically drive belt or roller systems.
  • Can transportation conveyors be customized for specific applications?

    Yes, transportation conveyors can be customized in terms of length, width, speed, and material of construction to suit the specific needs of different industries and processes.
  • What maintenance is required for transportation conveyors?

    Regular maintenance is essential to keep transportation conveyors running smoothly. This includes inspecting and lubricating moving parts, checking for wear, and addressing any issues promptly to prevent downtime.

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