How to Create Battery Storage Shelving from Pallet Racking

The great thing about pallet racking is that it is a strong and versatile product that can be used in many different environments. One of the newer configurations that we at SJF have been working on is battery racks. There are many types of batteries that need to be stored - anywhere from forklift batteries, server rack batteries, automotive batteries, and on.
Because pallet racks are such a versatile product, especially teardrop pallet racks, it only makes sense that almost anything can be stored on a battery shelf.
In this case, we'd like to discuss battery storage and how pallet racking can be a fantastic solution to storing batteries in a warehouse, garage, automotive environment, or automotive parts store.
If you've even been to an auto store, you've seen that the batteries are stored on a rack that flows from the back to the front using gravity. This is referred to as FIFO, which means "first in, first out."
When a battery is added to the back of the rack, it slides or flows into position behind any batteries currently in that lane. There are several advantages to creating battery storage racks from gravity flow racking, including:
- There is always a battery in the front of the rack to take. Customers or employees never have to try to reach into the battery case to retrieve them
- The older stock is in the front of the automotive battery rack, eliminating expiration issues
- The shelves are adjustable if needed to accommodate different sizes of batteries
- Pallet rack is made from high grade steel, making it not only strong, but durable as well
- Pallet racking needs minimal maintenance
- Casters can be added for mobility
To use battery storage rack to store batteries of all sizes, you can use the flow system as stated above, or even put the batteries right on top of wire decking. You can adjust the back beams to be a bit higher than the front if you want, which will give you just a small amount of lift, or keep them at a flat level. Again, since there is a wide assortment of sizes, you can make the rack as deep as you want to.
Reasons To Use Pallet Racking for Battery Storage
Basic pallet rack consists of two uprights on each side, with two beams per level. They come in a wide variety of depths, widths, and heights so fitting them into a current space is never going to be an issue. The are easily configured for either a current or future space, and can be adapted easily to a new environment if so desired.
There are many different styles of pallet racking and you can choose whatever you like. You may have some rack laying around that you can repurpose for battery storage. Any style will do, but teardrop style rack may be a good solution. In terms of set up and adjustability, teardrop pallet racking would be the easiest to use, as teardrop pallet rack does not require bolts to assemble. Instead, teardrop beams easily slide into the teardrop shaped holes on a teardrop upright.
We can help you choose the best set up for your available space and needs. We'd love to chat to see how we can help, so please give one of our Solutions Specialists a call if you're interested. They can be reached by phone or text at (320) 485-4974 or by filling out our online contact form.
Pallet Racking Styles
- Used Drive In Pallet Racks
- Used Push Back Racks
- Used Structural Pallet Racks
- Used Teardrop Pallet Racks
- Used Pallet Racking
- Used Pallet Rack Accessories
- Used Wire Decks
- New Pallet Rack in our Online Store
Pallet Racks Solutions
- Storage Solutions
- Selective Pallet Rack Systems
- Push Back Systems
- Drive In/Through Systems
- Double Deep Systems
- VNA Systems
- Tire Racks from Pallet Rack
- Battery Rack from Pallet Rack