Transportation Conveyor for Sale
Used Products For Sale
These two 100-foot run belt driven conveyor systems are both 24-1/2" overall width and include belly drives.
This FKI belt conveyor system includes 81-foot run. Drives are not included.
This lineshaft belt driven live roller conveyor was removed from a distribution center's production lines that SJF Material Handling had originally designed and installed. All of these conveyors are clean and in good working order.
These Roach brand modular power conveyor systems offer parent and child units with 36" and 48" widths, as well as some component pieces. Large quantity.
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We offer many different sizes and types of new power belt conveyor in our online store.
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What is Belt Driven Roller Conveyor?
Belt driven live roller conveyor (sometimes abbreviated as BDLR) consists of load rollers, a drive-belt, return rollers and an external motor.
The load rollers over a drive belt make up the conveying surface on which product is transported.
Regular belt driven roller conveyors feature flat roller assemblies. These belt driven roller conveyors are driven by a conveyor drive motor assembly. This innovative combination provides a much more positive drive arrangement than line shaft driven "O-ring" driven rollers. SJF provides belt driven conveyors in 1.9" O.D. and 2.5" O.D. models. Rollers in certain configurations can handle loads up to 2,500 lbs. and more.
What is V-Belt Driven Roller Conveyor?
V-belt driven roller conveyors feature roller assemblies with grooved hubs and mounting. These v-belt driven roller conveyors are driven by matching grooved v-belts, which are driven by a conveyor drive motor assembly that can be either side or belly mounted. Contact SJF for more information on V-belt driven roller conveyor.
Conveyor Dimensions Guide
Conveyor Systems Information & Guides
More Info on Conveyor Systems
SJF Material Handling can provide many popular brands of conveyor at your request and has successfully built countless conveyor systems. SJF's company history has provided custom conveyor solutions for clients large and small, nationwide. In fact, the employees at SJF are among the best in the business for providing performance packaged cutting edge warehouse conveyor handling systems and robotic solutions with over 60 years of combined experience with new and used conveyor systems of all types. Call us today and speak with any of our friendly conveyor solutions specialists at (320) 485-4974 (direct customer service sales line) or (800) 598-5532.