Employee Spotlight – Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson, SJF EngineerAfter 14+ years, we finally decided to feature Matt Johnson, our resident SJF Engineer, in the SJF Spotlight. Matt is our Lead Engineer at SJF. He is involved in various stages of the sales cycle and is often called in to assist customers during and after product implementation. He also works with all departments and can definitely be called the “Go to Guy” for SJF.

Family is a priority for him. In the summer, he does camping and family trips. In the winter you can find him back in his hockey skates while coaching his son. He’s also a football fan, although his loyalties don’t lie with the Minnesota Vikings but with the (gulp) Green Bay Packers. We’re working on forgiving him for that, however therapy may be required… 😉

Name: Matt Johnson

Title: Engineer

When did you start working at SJF? 2004

What do you like most about working at SJF? Every day is different. There are always new challenges.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work? Spending time with family camping, fishing and skating or playing hockey.

What’s your favorite day? Friday. I look forward to the weekend.

Biggest pet peeve? When people don’t listen well enough to retain information. Or people who complain about something but are not part of the solution.

Name something about you that people would be surprised to know: I had hair down the middle of my back in Jr. High School.

What question would you like to answer that you didn’t get asked: Do you like being in the Spotlight? No. I don’t.