Tetra Pak is a multinational food packaging and food processing company of Swedish origin. Operating in more than 170 countries and with over 22,000 employees, Tetra Pak is currently the largest food packaging company in the world (measured in sales). The companies head offices are in Lund, Sweden and Lausanne, Switzerland.
Tetra Pak offers packaging solutions including filling machines and processing solutions for dairy, beverages, cheese, ice-cream and prepared food.It’s products line include accumulators, cap applicators, conveyors, crate packers, film wrappers, line controllers, straw applicators and more.
Tetra Pak currently has 2 divisions in Winsted, MN. where they manufacture equipment for the company’s food processing operations. SJF has worked closely with Tetra Pak from it’s early days in the Winsted area. Over the years SJF has provided Tetra Pak with a wide range of equipment ranging from static cantilever & pallet racking to automated carousels, controls & automation software.